The utility sector of the economy and of the un of the largest consumers of fuel, I heat to electrical energy. Modern life, a sense of unthinkable energy services. Comfortable conditions of life are equipped with lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, home appliances. National communication, service, information and entertainment, implemented through mobile phones, televisions, computers, etc. Who has learned to save electricity, water, heating, gas, in your apartment, for a better understanding of the need of saving energy in a building, and apartments to work

Due to its geographical location Belarus, a country with a relatively cold climate. The duration of the heating period d and 200 a few days that determines an important part of the energy used for heating. At the level of households consume almost 40% of the import total fuel energy and resources of the Republic. Consumed housing and utility sector energy thermal l s used for the heating (60-70%), hot water and including(30-40%).
Unfortunately, the efficiency of domestic energy consumption in our Republic and very low. For the heating and hot water the apartment of an average family 3-4 people annually COGENERATION or in the ca more boilers burn 3 hi. In addition, during the head of a family as consuming 1200-1800 kWh of electricity. These values are the average of 2 times higher than in industrialized European countries with comparable between us. This energy comfort in our homes and much more low: it has many modern appliances, in areas often with the support high enough temperature, the poor quality of the air. Energy and domestic comfort determines to a large extent on the quality of life of the population, human health, availability of free time.
Comparison of national and foreign figures indicates the significant potential for saving energy in the family, especially for the thermal energy, and the need for the implementation of the project, with the aim of saving energy resources and improving the quality of life of the people. To solve For these problems, according to the State of the program "energy-Saving", gives me the un set of long-term and short-term events.
Mandatory conditions for the success of their solutions are the following:
- psychological disposition and the willingness of the population to save energy;
- knowledge of the ways of saving energy and the capacity to use them in everyday life;
- the jealous attitude of the people towards the use of energy comfort of the un at the subconscious level, the discipline's internal ins and outs of energy consumption.
If the first of the two conditions can be achieved in a relatively short time, due to economic and institutional incentives, information and educational measures, the implementation of the second requires a lot of time, since it involves the formacio of the man from childhood to rules of behaviour and habits, because of the concern about the future of the energy and environmental welfare of our planet. For this reason, in the organized by the Republic and the improvement of multi-stage system of education in the field of energy saving, constantly information and advertising work.
To a large extent the existing potential of energy savings in the real estate sector can be implemented in a short period of time by the tenants with a simple, inexpensive, and effective. And important to understand the energy savings not as a rejection of comfort, but rather a way of ensuring the necessary conditions of the life of the individual and the society in General with a limited number of primary energy resources.
The basic principles of development of programs to reduce the consumption of energy in the home
To begin to work to reduce energy consumption? You must first determine the volume of consumption of different types of resources and the amount of payments which make a kind of the energy audit. This will help counters (if applicable), and account of the energy consumption, as well as a simple calculations and measurements. And desirable for the average to determine or value the author of the consumption of a is repeated for different periods of time (week, month, whatever). And a prerequisite of permanent and systematic work on energy efficiency. To evaluate the energy saving potential and necessary obtained to compare the values with the European regulations and the highest performance.
This will help us to answer the first question – save a life a priority? The answer to the logic that counts, and because it will bring direct benefits. Naturally, to undertake costly energy efficiency measures that may not bring direct immediate savings and needs of a analysis original work of art detailed the benefits of their implementation. Here we have only considered only the electrical energy payment other energy is divided equally between a large number of consumers. However, you should know that the any type of letter saving energy reduces your overall consumption and total spending, and Its budget including. In addition, the situation is gradually changing: sooner or later all the energy will be taken into account and that I had to learn how to save them, it will be much easier. If you take into account all types of energy resources, and necessary to relate implementation d the costs of the energy saving measures and take advantage of them, then the classification. From all this derive the objectives and the program of activities on energy saving and the echo determines also s expected.
Consider possible areas for the salvation of all types consumed in the home the energy.
Economy of thermal energy.
Currently, the heat does not spread metres for destinations reasons: its high cost, insuficient study and the accuracy of the measurement, etc. However, this problem can be seen from a different perspective: how to keep the enough apartment to a comfortable temperature with the lack of heating? It is necessary to prepare the First heating system.
Heaters must be washed inside a regular basis, and clean the dust from the outside. During the operation of the inner surface and covered with scale rust and; sometimes the thickness of the deposits reaches a un value that substantially prevents the channel of the water, not to speak of the transfer of heat. To ensure the un's air flow right, without overloading the space with furniture near heating appliances. Strictly it Is prohibited to close them decorative plates, panels and even curtains, because to the stronger reduction of heat transfer increase of the heat losses. To reduce the loss of heat through the wall behind the radiator, and improve the air circulation and advisable to increase the distance between the device and the wall. It is recommended that you install convectors reflective of heat from the screen and the layer insulating. To limit the transfer of hot air from the surface of the interior glass Windows required the instal·instal·lació of the sill, wide window. Radiators with Paint to the oil reduces the heat transfer by 8-13 %, so it is recommended to use the zinc oxide.
Along with the problem of the lack of heating, there is the problem paratope. Paratope suffer usually the neighbors closest to the heating sources of homes. The reason paratope – unbalanced heating system. This raises the output: it should be regulated. To do this, see if you have the heating bath (1) bypass (4). Perhaps the builders simply "forgotten" to install it. Then install the bypass (4) and thermostat (2) or even a simple ball valve allows us to adjust the amount of coolant through the heater (3) and adjust the temperature in the room.
The problem of the cold, the situation and much more complicated. The cause of the low temperature, in our house, it offers a poor quality of heating and a huge loss of heat. Specific consumption of thermal energy per square meter of housing in our Republic 2-4 times (depending on the specific type of construction), a higher than in European countries with comparable between us. Suggests that This produces and even is supplied in the house a large amount of heat, but will soon be lost. The loss of heat in seconds Beltei buildings on average, are distributed in the following way:
- Windows 36%;
- ventilation – 28%;
- walls – 26%;
- slab, basement – 10%.
Since the major heat losses account for Windows, then isolate (better change) should be in the first place. The most effective method a install double-glazed Windows. Now and the proposal that many structures, medicine different to retain the heat, the life, the characteristics and environmental, result in the price. Usual double-glazed Windows contain between the panes and dry air differ from the Windows is only of great integrity, easy cleaning and aesthetic appearance. Vacuumed Available Windows with double pane and double glazing just Windows filled with gases inert. They have a great resistance thermal. May be The glass with low coated emissivity termootrazhayuschim layer prevents the withdrawal of heat in the form of radiation and reduces heat loss through Windows by 30-35%. Double glazing, manufactured with the technology with the most advanced thermal resistance are as in conventional exterior walls. Often the Windows are installed in place of the glass in standard frames. This yields triple glazing, allows even more to reduce the loss of heat.
If the instal·instal·lació double-glazed Windows means no, then you need to take care to reduce heat loss through existing Windows. First, the glass must be thoroughly cleaned, then skimping on the coverage. In the second place, and needed to remove all the cracks and leaks. You can glue paper, but this needs to be done in calm weather. To eliminate the differences between the framework and the concrete box you can use the foam. Glass should be intact. Cheap I sure a lot and go solution to the surface of the outside inner cover additional extra and furrows of glass (in good condition binding) or transparent polymer films. Is triple glazing and heat loss through Windows is reduced by 20-30%. To reduce the humidity of the air between the bindings it is recommended the use of adsorbents. The dry air has a low thermal conductivity and also reduces the intensity of fogging freezing and the glasses. In the winter it offers a advisable to hang curtains that do not cover the radiators. I Glass balconies loggias help to reduce general heat loss by 10...13 %. To reduce the loss of heat through the portals, you need to install double doors, doors with multiple seals, to organize lobbies.
Then you need to take care of the ventilation, which often creates excess d"winter traction. The kitchen of the air of ventilation can cover partially, and in the bathroom all of a proposition, as this will allow us to forget excessively dry air (aire'winter in a room that has low indoor humidity, which negatively affects health) and to create a feeling of warmth. A more advisable to isolate the outer walls of the room to the if corner, and one of the walls of the staircase.
Saving electricity
Saving electricity by using electric stoves.
First, you need to have an alternative to the stove: electroscience, elektrokofemolke, furnaces that have a higher efficiency.
In the second place, the kitchen should be repaired. Propavshaya, chipped and bumps, dirty, heating elements are significantly worse to perform its function, unless of course you do.
Thirdly, you need to have the appropriate utensils. Every time that you have to choose the size of kitchen utensils, appropriate to the situation. Free the All should be with lid. The fact that cover in a sense, two times you need more energy and do not care, without a cover or not tight and really. The bottom of the cookware for electric stoves should be smooth (and well-placed a heating element. When you can cook or boiling water, and convenient off the early burners several complete or boiling water, this allows you to save up to the united nations the 20% of energy, due to the thermal inertia of the heated burners. When you can cook various dishes, you can save of un 10 un 30% of the electricity, if you use the still hot burner to pre-heat used to water the plantings cooked, if you use the pre-settled water at room temperature, not cold straight from the tap.
Energy savings when you use all kinds of dishes. Products to a heat treatment that takes a lot of time, and the best you can cook in the raft of pots, pressure. At the beginning of cooking you must install the full capacity of the burner, and when the water boils reduce it to a minimum, since the boiling point depends on the water from the power input of the heat flow at 100°C. And the speed of firing depends only on the temperature. Therefore, the excess heat is dedicated to the evaporation of water in the room (the humidity) and leads to a loss of energy (electricity or gas) without affecting the cooking time.